Monday, 5 December 2011

Preparation and Priming!

Hello beauties!
I have had a really busy weekend, please excuse the late post!
So I have decided that skincare we now have a pretty good idea on what you need to use, and how to perfect your own personal skin regime!
So on to the next step!
After the skin is cleansed and moisturized, they are such things as primers.
Primers are not a NECESSITY especially if you are on a budget, but I will explain why they are important..
Primers help create a barrier, even stronger than that of your moisturizer. This will prevent all the foundation and heavy makeup from getting into your pores and causing blemishes which can be a pain!

Again, there are alot of primers out there as well, but like everything else, I will give you my favorites!
MAC (of course!) has a line of "priming" products.. My favourite face primer is called Prep + Prime Skin. This is a light, colorless and fragrance free primer, and you put it on just before your foundation!

MAC also makes a primer that contains SPF 50. A very high factor often not found in any makeup! This is good for people on the go or in the sun alot during that day, taking this step, you can prime the face, help prevent blemishes, and help prevent sun damage on the face!

These are just two of many primers MAC has to offer. Primers are available for lashes, eyes, lips, anything! But the most important one to protect your face from makeup are either of the two above! 
As I said, they are quite pricey, but do visit your nearest MAC, try them and see which one you prefer! 

If you have any questions about primers, or any of the other primers MAC has in store, feel free to contact me! 

Stay happy, healthy and beautiful! 

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